Thursday, July 12, 2007

Are you bored with your housework?

Do you ever feel like you are doing the same thing over and over again? Housework especially can seem repetitious. So, let's try something new. Make it a point everyday to find something to do that you will not have to do again for at least two weeks.

"Do I really have that much to do?" you ask. Well, here is a short list of things to get your brain a-working. Some you may do more frequently, but you'll get the idea.

1. Clean your sink- No, I don't mean not doing the dishes for two weeks at a time. I mean take the time to scrub the sink 'til it shines, around the drain, the faucet, the disposal, everywhere.

2. Clean your washing machine- When was the last time you really looked at your washing machine? Take the time to scrub the inside, clean the corners that catches dirt as you dump your clothes in.

3. Vacuum the air returns & change/clean air filter for you furnace- Now, you may do this often, but I never even realized it needed done until we were 3 months into our newly built house and I looked up in horror at my cold air returns. Scary!

4. Clean the phones- Yeah, the thing that everyone has in their hands on a daily basis. Don't submerge it obviously, but wipe that stinker down with some disinfectant or good ole soap and water.

5. Clean out your drains- BEFORE they start backing up.

6. Wash your windows/sliding doors- Inside and out, top to bottom. Clean the track. Hose down the screens. It is amazing the difference a clean window will make to a room.

7. Clean your blinds/drapes/curtains- Personally, I recommend my Mom's method of hosing the blinds down out in the sunshine, but if you want to clean them individually, slat by slat, be my guest.

8. Change your answering machine message- Be creative. This is a fun thing.

9. Wash your cabinets- Wipe down the exteriors, dust the tops if they are exposed, wipe the shelves.

10. Wash the dog- Ok, admittedly, some dogs need washed a lot more often than two weeks, but it's an idea.

11. Clean out your kid's outgrown clothes- Purge your kid's closets and dressers. Give some, if not all, the items to charity. You'll have less laundry and feel good that you helped someone less fortunate.

Well, there are eleven items to get you thinking. Another way you can change things up a bit is to have a day for doing all those little things that you need to do, but never seem to find the time for. Skip some of your everyday chores to do this. It will give you a little break and you can get all those "little" things off your mind. What kind of little things? Well, that is another post. ;-) Be sure to check back each Thursday as we share more Everyday Life topics.


Childishcouture said...

Thanks Vicki for all the great tips!

Vicki Arnold said...

Thank you for reading them! :-)